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Find out more and watch the feature demos. Powered by Simpler, the new slicing functions can be used in all editions of Live 9. They also work with the first Push — for full details of the new features, c heck out the release notes. Live 9. For us, those two factors tip the scales.

These newcomers joined an already impressive line-up of distortion, dynamics, equalisation the integrated Channel EQ is particularly good , reverb, delay, modulation and other effect types to give you absolutely everything you need to get the mixing job done. This round in our face-off goes either way, depending on your primary plugin needs: Live for sound design, Logic for mixing. But there are also marked differences…. In contrast, with its less stratified, comparatively accessible interface, Live is about as lean and mean as DAWs get, and the speed with which the seasoned user can fly around its Session and Arrange Views, Piano Roll and Sample Editor is something to behold.

Back across the pond, Logic is famous for its unrivalled key commands scheme, with which a vast array of shortcuts can be customised to suit the specific tactile needs of the user, no matter how eccentric. This amazing hardware controller features an RGB backlit pad grid for versatile melodic and percussive note input, a bank of contextual buttons and rotaries for mixer and plugin control, and plenty of buttons for governance of Live itself — a truly spectacular fusion of hardware and software.

Clearly, Apple and Ableton are coming at this music software malarkey from two wholly alternative perspectives and with a pronounced disparity in terms of pricing flexibility. Built to function in a similar way to all other DAWs, Ableton contains all the features you'd expect to allow users to create, record, compose and produce music.

However, it's also bundled with a whole host of features that make Live essentially an instrument for performing live or DJing. Live's built in engine essentially acts in a similar way to a Loop pedal, and it also includes tools for beat matching, cross fading and other performance based effects.

But more on this later. Live comes in three iterations. Intro , Standard and Suite. For a more comprehensive look into what makes Ableton so unique, check out our other article here.

There are a whole host of DAWs on the market, so there are a lot of questions to consider when comparing or considering one for your own use. If you're making electronic music to be performed , for example, Ableton Live is the best choice by a mile. If you're more focused on recording instruments and getting to use lots of technical plug ins , maybe Logic is the way to go.

Straight off the bat, if you're going in blind with no former knowledge of the two, there's no getting away from the fact that Logic is much better value for money than Ableton, because it's cheaper, and comes bundled with everything you need.

That's over double the price, and then some. It's an unfortunate reality that Music Production can be an expensive hobby with some plug ins alone costing in the hundreds but if you're serious about making it work, that won't stop you. However, if you aren't sure, or if budget is not an issue, read on to check out exactly what sets these two DAWs apart from each other, and which one is right for you.

This is probably the most fundamental question you need to ask yourself when trying to decide which program suits your needs best. If you know exactly what you need from a DAW, you're better prepared to choose one. If your workflow takes the form of building a track in an arrangement , delving into sound design and composition , then Logic is for you. If you're a musician who records acoustic instruments , vocals or live drums , then the ability to comp, edit, track and record audio are an essential part of your arsenal.

Logic lets you do this with ease, whereas these features are sadly pretty much nonexistent in Ableton. That's not to say that Live doesn't allow you to record audio, just that if you are wanting something more akin to a studio environment, where you can record multiple takes onto one track, splice and edit the audio together efficiently , then Logic excels here and Ableton falls short.

Having said that, the two flagship DAWs are constantly tweaking and subtly borrowing ideas from each other when they release updates, so who knows where Live's audio editing functionality will be in the future? While the previous section may seem to put Logic in the lead, there are more things to consider. If performing your music is part of your goal, then Ableton is the choice for you.

Live is unique because as well as having the traditional DAW features in its Arrangement View , it also comes with Session View, a unique environment in which you can employ a totally different song writing approach. Building loops , and hearing them in real time is what Ableton's tools lend themselves to most effectively.

When paired with Ableton's Push controllers, Live becomes a performance instrument , which can be used in either context; jamming out a song idea , or performing in a live situation. This is why Live is so popular with electronic music producers, as genres such as House or Techno , which are progression based and largely focused on looping parts building on top of each, are so easy and intuitive to create within Live's environment.

Live also offers extensive mapping to MIDI controllers, allowing pretty much any parameter from any plug in to be mapped to a control surface such as Ableton's own Push or Push 2 , but third party controllers also work. This allows control down to a minute detail on many elements of a song's performance, and there's no limit to how creative you can be with effects when it comes to this level of customisation with MIDI programming and assignment.

Even DJs use Live. The audio snycing and beat matching is where Ableton's skills also shine.


- Logic Pro vs Ableton Live – Top Music Arts


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